CONFIRMED: Winter 2023 net dates

Dates for our 2023 winter nets have now been confirmed. 
Nets for senior players and juniors who play senior cricket will begin on Monday 30th January from 8pm to 10pm at Heyford Park Free School, OX25 5HE.
The first session will be open to all senior players and age group players who played senior cricket in 2022.
If you have a child in the age group section who would like to play senior cricket, please contact Mark Townsend and Gary Sansome prior to booking or attending. 
After this first session we may tweak things a little to help us manage player numbers and ensure training sessions are suited to those attending – we will use Pitchero to do this. See below for further important details. 
Junior nets will begin on Sunday February 5th at the Cooper School, OX26 4RS. 
U9s and U11s will train from 9am – 10am, BNOCC B Stars from 10am – 11am, and U13s and U15s from 11am – 12noon.
All players – senior AND junior – must be registered with B&NOCC on Pitchero, and be marked ‘available’ for practice sessions you wish to attend. You can find more information about how to register here.