
The finer details of this year’s Social Calendar are still being finalised and all will be unveiled when all our ducks are in a row, but you can book the babysitter in for the following dates

Friday April 24th @ The Bull & Butcher, Akeley – Pop-Up Restaurant

Saturday 16th May @ B&NOCC – Family Quiz Night

Sunday 14thJune @ B&NOCC – President’s Day

Saturday 20th June @ B&NOCC – Bingo

Saturday 25th July @ B&NOCC – Game Show Night

Friday 7th August – Golf Day

Saturday 22nd August @ B&NNOCC – Darts Night

Friday 11th September – Night Golf

Saturday 19th September – Senior Presentation Evening

Saturday 12th December – Christmas Curry

We’ll also be running a number of less ‘formal’ social activities throughout the Summer months as we continue our efforts to make Bicester a real community club, including a Fantasy Cricket League with *actual* prizes, Bat Raffle and other activities to get everyone involved in the Club.

If you have any questions regarding the social activities, you can get in touch with the social secretary, Oliver Ward.

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