Getting ready for 2021

COVID-19 Update
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement this afternoon, we’re really excited about finally being able to plan our own roadmap back on to the cricket pitch, and preparing for the 2021 season.
The Government’s guidance pinpoints March 29th as the date on which organised outdoor sport can resume, and so we will be working towards training for juniors and seniors beginning a soon as possible after that date, within any restrictions laid down by the ECB.
With the Cherwell League season due to start on Saturday May 8th, we’re also looking forward to a full, competitive league season.
Keeping our players, members, supporters and their families safe will continue to be a priority, and as such we take no shame in ensuring we adhere to the spirit of the rules and regulations as well as their letter. We will not be looking for loop-holes to exploit that could risk the health of anyone involved in our Club.
We know you will have lots of questions, and so below are a few of those we expect will be most pressing. If you have any additional questions or comments, you’re welcome to get in touch with any member of the Committee.
<strong>Will the season will start on time?</strong>
Until we hear otherwise from the ECB, OCB or Cherwell League, we are working towards the League season starting as planned on Saturday May 8th.
<strong>Will there be training?</strong>
We want to begin training as soon as possible, and so are working towards the end of March as our target date. Our online booking system will be in place again to manage numbers, depending on the prevailing guidance at the time.
Until then, you are still able to exercise in household groups, support bubbles, or in an outdoor space with one person from another household. We will be sharing some exercise ideas on our Facebook page and website soon.
<strong><strong>What about age-group cricket?</strong></strong>
In addition to regular age-group training, we will also be running an 8-week All Stars programme starting on Wednesday May 12th, which you can register for here.
As per senior training, we will get U9+ training under way as soon as we’re allowed to do so. We have entered teams in the County’s junior competitions, and so fixtures in these will go ahead as determined by the County board.
<strong><strong><strong>What if I’m not comfortable playing just yet?</strong></strong></strong>
The health and well-being of our members is our absolute priority, and we know that some players may not be comfortable returning to playing so soon. If that’s you, then please don’t worry – we’re not going anywhere, and will be here waiting for you when you’re ready to don the whites again. If you want to inform any of the captains or coaches of this, you’re welcome to get in touch with any of them.